4 Business Analysis Resolutions for 2019

Are you ready to make 2019 your best professional year yet? Commit some time and energy to these four areas and you’ll delight your end users with better requirements and better solutions in 2019. #1 Learn about digital and artificial intelligence technologies. If you haven’t been assigned to an AI project or your current project doesn’t include […]

Are you ready to make 2019 your best professional year yet? Commit some time and energy to these four areas and you’ll delight your end users with better requirements and better solutions in 2019.

#1 Learn about digital and artificial intelligence technologies.


#2 Find ways to be more customer-centric.

  • There is no doubt your CEO and leaders are talking about customer focus, BAs and Product Owners can truly shine in this space.
  • Clear these 4 roadblocks to deliver more value to your customers.


#3 Facilitate engaging meetings.

  • We all get into meeting ruts, and it’s a great time to change things up and bust out of meeting facilitation boredom.


#4 Keep learning – all year long!

  • Things are changing so fast! Keep up with new technologies, new approaches, new business models and new customer expectations.
  • Expand and elevate your analysis skills to handle it all!
  • Take advantage of your BA-Cube membership! Watch your weekly video tips and attend your live, online classes.