The primary tenant of agile is to deliver value to organizations, iteratively, using the most efficient techniques, just-in-time. Many agile teams, especially those who choose the Scrum approach, choose user stories as their primary technique/tool for solution...
Meaningful Collaboration => Creativity and Innovation In the recent quest to maximize collaboration, many large companies eliminated telecommuting and trashed flex schedules. These policy shifts may provide small creativity boosts, but large companies still have...
How many tasks can you handle at one time, successfully? The truth, based on research, ONE. Yep, that’s it. Our brains are not meant to do more than one mental task at a time. But wait, I can participate in a conference call while checking e-mails, updating...
Brainstorming is the key to creativity, but why do some people dread brainstorming sessions? Every few months I come across an article that claims brainstorming is a pointless, waste of time. But if you read the articles, they are really saying that brainstorming done...