7 Hot Topics from Agile2017 in Orlando

I had the opportunity to speak at Agile2017 in Orlando. It was a great conference! I connected with so many colleagues & friends and met lots of new friends as well.Besides speaking and networking, I attended some great sessions. The sessions at this conference generate a lot of conversations. The conversations are deep and intense as practitioners […]

I had the opportunity to speak at Agile2017 in Orlando. It was a great conference! I connected with so many colleagues & friends and met lots of new friends as well.

Besides speaking and networking, I attended some great sessions. The sessions at this conference generate a lot of conversations. The conversations are deep and intense as practitioners from around the globe discuss their experiences and learnings.

Here are the topics that sparked the majority of conversations I had with colleagues during the 5-day conference hosted by Agile Alliance. I hope they inspire meaningful conversations in your organization!

Role of an Agile CoP (Community of Practice) – Organizations are experimenting with Agile Communities of Practice to create a central community-driven place to gather, share, and learn from one another. Agile CoPs provide a space for role-based and skill-based learning.

Outcome-Based Teams – Outcome-based teams are driven by intent and outcomes rather than estimates that do not help them determine if they are building the right thing.

No Estimates – Many teams are finding that points and estimates are getting in the way of building the right things. Follow the discussion #NoEstimates on Twitter to learn more.

Overcoming Dev Ops Excuses – Organizations ARE overcoming Dev Ops challenges and getting results on speed to market through Dev Ops best practices; even in highly regulated, complex environments.

Experiments – Ambiguity is here to stay. Organizations use experiments to remove ambiguity and discover requirements. Do you know when and how to define experiments that matter?

What is “Value” and How Do We Measure It? – I found this particularly interesting since I presented on this topic as well as many others. Some presented on very financially driven value with frameworks and approaches to find monetary value. I found some of these approaches tough given the politics and assumptions needed to use these formal methods. Others presented on value from softer points of view and customer points of view using business outcomes and business metrics to measure value.

Agile Portfolio Planning – There was lots of talk this year about planning at the portfolio level and the processes for selecting what projects and outcomes to undertake. Many organizations are shaking up how they fund and plan for agile investments. This gets really interesting with the value discussion as well.

Want to know more about these trending topics? Contact me to learn how these trends will change the way you do business!