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BAs and POs: Are You Asking the Right Questions?

BAs and POs: Are You Asking the Right Questions?

Note: This blog post is an update to a previous blog post Five High-Impact Questions Every BA Should Be Using. It's been updated to address how we are working right now. The Current Situation Let's face it, we are under so much deadline pressure that it seems like we...

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What is a Modern BA?

What is a Modern BA?

The Definition of a Modern BA A Modern BA is a BA who leads a group through a problem solving and solution process with the customer/user at the center of the analysis, knowing that all other details will follow. A deeper dive into what constitutes a Modern BA is a...

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Acceptance Criteria – Is It Your Team’s Pain Point?

Acceptance Criteria – Is It Your Team’s Pain Point?

I have been hearing from so many Business Analysts, Product Owners, and teams that writing good acceptance criteria is a big challenge! And, if this resonates with you; you're not alone! Why is this such a common pain for teams today? I see a lot of mediocre to...

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The Top 10 Business Analysis Skills For 2022 and Beyond

The Top 10 Business Analysis Skills For 2022 and Beyond

In 2022, we see an even greater need to ensure this can be done in a remote/virtual environment; this means upskilling your remote BA skills. Remote BA skills include learning to collaborate in a virtual modeling environment and facilitating online meetings where virtual modeling tools are used for the purpose of getting deep conversations going.

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Common User Story Mistakes Teams Make and How to Fix Them

Common User Story Mistakes Teams Make and How to Fix Them

An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. John F. Kennedy As a product ownership expert and coach, I see teams make a lot of the same mistakes that compromise the very progress they are trying to make. The paradox here is, these patterns and...

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Velocity & User Stories – Too Many Teams Are Looking At It Wrong!

Velocity & User Stories – Too Many Teams Are Looking At It Wrong!

I want to provide another lens on what velocity can mean to teams and one that I have found really resonates with executives as organizations measure whether or not agile is really making a difference and delivering more agility to the organization. Predominantly, It’s about using velocity as a means to get closer to value delivered, rather than simply a speed metric. After all delivering software fast does not equal delivering software that is valuable or meaningful and advancing organizational results.

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The Top 7 Ways BAs Can Add Value To An Agile Team

The Top 7 Ways BAs Can Add Value To An Agile Team

If you are like most Business Analysts (BAs) today, you are either on an agile team or know that it is coming soon! Being present on a team is vital to achieving the intentions of the team. Sometimes we walk away from meetings and conversations and think, oh snap! I...

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